
nanjing lukou international airport中文是什么意思

  • 禄口机场
  • 南京禄口国际机场



  • 例句与用法
  • Nanjing lukou international airport
  • Nanjing lukou international airport
  • Pigeons through planes can be delivered to shanghai pudong international airport or nanjing lukou international airport
  • Wuxi is 120 kilometers away from shanghai hongqiao international airport and 180 kilometers to nanjing lukou international airport , wuxi has expressway to all these major cities
  • At last , this article detaily describes a realized model of web application framework and briefly introduce its application in information system of nanjing lukou international airport
  • In charge of one of major subjects of the national eighth five - year plan , i . e . " study on shotcreting techniques of polyacrylate emulsion cement mortar for impermeability coating of pu ding rcc dam " , the achievement of which has been appraised by the ministry of electric power and evaluated as reaching national leading level . 2 . in charge of the major subject aided by the committee of national natural science funds , " study on durability of high bolumes of fly ash concrete " , the first phase achievement of which has been commended by the committee . 3 . in charge of one of major subjects of the national ninth five - year plan , i . e . " study on high performance concrete in marine engineering , design and construction " . 4 . acting as one of editors - in - chief of " technical specification for abrasion and cavities resistance of concrete in hydraulic structures " , which is issued by the ministry of water resources . 5 . by providing the repairing and strengthening schemes on seepage and cracks of the basement of nanjing lukou international airport , the air traffic opening of the airport was ensured as scheduled . 6 . consulting services on techniques of high performance and abrasion - erosion resistance concrete for three - gorges project , anti - corrosion of reinforced concrete strutures for the ore port of shanghai baoshan iron and steel works , mass fly ash concrete for jiangyin yangtze river bridge and pumping concrete for nanjing yangtze river second bridge
    主持国家“八五”攻关项目“普定碾压混凝土坝上游面丙乳砂浆防渗层大面积施工工艺研究” ,成果通过部级鉴定,评价属国内领先水平; 2 .主持国家自然科学基金重大项目“高掺量粉煤灰混凝土的长期性能研究“ ,阶段成果获国家自然科学基金委通报表彰与奖励; 3 .主持国家“九五”攻关项目“海工高性能混凝土成套技术研究” ; 4 .水利部“水工混凝土抗冲磨防空蚀技术规范”的主编之一; 5 .为南京禄口国际机场地下室修漏与裂缝补提出技术方案被采纳并实施,为机场如期通航作出贡献; 6 .为三峡工程抗冲磨高性能混凝土技术、上海宝钢矿石码头钢筋混凝土防腐蚀技术、江阴长江大桥大体积粉煤灰混凝土技术、南京长江二桥泵送混凝土技术等提供咨询建议。
  • By the eastern part of huning railway line and the huning express way connected no . 312 roadway to the north , nanjing lukou international airport is 56 minutes away , the changzhou airport is 30 minutes away . dagang zhenjiang port is 30km away from the factory . transportation are very convenient company capacity : 10 , 000 mt a and 3 , 000 mt a
  • 百科解释
Nanjing Lukou International Airport is the main airport serving Nanjing, capital of China's Jiangsu province. The airport is located in suburban Jiangning District, over 35?km south of the city center.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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